Monday, December 10, 2018

Feeling Festive

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Head: Catwa - Blueberry
Body: Maitreya Lara
Skin: Glam Affair - Roxanne for Catwa
Hair: Wasabi/Pills - Kaya
Earrings-Diamond Studs: Rossi Stud Berri Earring Set
Earrings- Dangles: Avada - Daliyah Earrings
Hat: Caboodle - Holiday Hat
Dress: Pixicat - Joyful Dress - Christmas (with fur)

Tree: Apple Fall - Heritage Tree - Spruce Green
Cardinal Ornament: Apple Fall - Cardinal - at The Epiphany Event 12-18
Deer ornaments: The Green Door - at The Imaginarium Event 12-18
Snowman Ornament: The Green Door - at The Imaginarium Event 12-18
Happy Holidays Sign: The Green Door - at The Imaginarium Event 12-18
Poinsettias: The Green Door - at The Imaginarium Event 12-18
Holiday Star: The Green Door - at The Imaginarium Event 12-18
Cat on Pillow: Jian - Kitten Pillow

Pose: My Own

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