Thursday, January 17, 2019

Midnight Daydreams

Daydreams are much livelier than night dreams in the middle of the night.

Head: Catwa - Blueberry 
Body: Maitreya Lara
Outfit (Includes dress, headpiece, necklace, arm bangle, chest & pelvis flowers & hair): irISIStible - Dust - Spring Dress - Available now at Swank
Eyeshadow: Avada - Bad Romance Eyeshadow
Eyelashes: Avada - Flirty Lashes
Earrings: Shanghai - Acacia Earrings White - Available now at Swank

Butterfly: The Half Moon Market - Stained Glass Butterfly gacha #12 Pumpkin
Lion - Hannah Kozlowski - Lion Full-Perm Mesh (prop found at Lost Unicorn)


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